I'm an obsessive couponer! I follow several people so I won't even claim to have found most of these deals on my own. I absolutely love saving money and I love helping my friends do the same. Who needs drugs when you have coupons!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

FREE at Walgreens

Here's what I did:

5 Nivea Men's Body Wash: $2.50 each - $3/1 from Sunday's paper. The register adjusts down making them FREE!

4 Ricola cough drops: $1 - .50 October booklet q - $1/2 from the newspaper. One booklet coupon will work for all four. My store has a limit of 4/customer/day so I'll go back tomorrow :)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Cheap Candy at CVS

I tried to do this tonight but I couldn't find my coupons QUICKLY and I didn't want to be late for day care pick up. Here's what you do:

You need to purchase 3 in order to stack your coupons. Scan your CVS card at the coupon machine. It should print a $1/2 Nestle fun size candy. You can stack the $1/3 IP or you can use 3 .50 peelies found on larger bags of Nestley candy. I can't find the link for the IP right now. Sorry :(

Your total should come out to .52 for 3 packs of candy. I'll try again tomorrow!

Pretty good run at Randall's

Had a pretty good trip to Randall's today. I'm still trying to figure it all out, but here goes.

2 Chex Mix: $2.55 BOGO - 4 .50 ecpn - 2 .50 IP = -1.45

4 Progresso: $3.96 - 5 .50 ecpn - $1/4 IP = .46
This could have been better if I had used 2 .50/2 b/c they would have doubled saving me an extra $1.

3 Campbell's Soup: $4.47 - $3.49 ecpn - $1/3 = -.02

Activia: $1.88 - .75 ecpn - $1 catalina = .13

Fiber One: $2.50 - 3 $1 ecpn - $1 cpn = -1.50

Jimmy Dean Sausage:  $9.96 - 2 $1/1 from facebook - 2 $1.50/2 cpn = $4.96

Total OOP = $2.53

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Printing Coupons

One of the things that took me a while to figure out was the actual printing of coupons. Save yourself a lot of frustration...only print using firefox! Do not coupon using Internet Explorer! After your coupons print, click the arrow back button, select Resend, and you can have a 2nd.

Prior to printing, you will be required to install Coupon Printer for Windows. This just keeps us all honest. You can only print 2 copies of most coupons. If you have more than one computer, you can get a few extra. Please do not Xerox copy your coupons. These are illegal!

Happy printing!

My first official post

I know I already put this on facebook. I've been wanting to start a blog for a while and you've gotta start somewhere.

Here's what I did:

The Science Diet is from PetSmart. It was priced $9.99. You can wait for a sale and find it cheaper. There is an $8 IP making the dog food $2.15.

The dog treats are from coupons that were about to expire so you may not have them. You may only be able to get the Target coupons.

Beggin' Strips at Target are $2.34 - two $1/1 IP - $4/4 = $3.36 for four bags.

The Busy Bone were $2.96 - 4 BOGO when you buy Beggin' Strips making them free.

So $2.15 + $3.36 (+tax) = about $5